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Thursday, July 26, 2007

6:55 PM

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Sometimes it seems like this to good to be true, I will look back at this and laugh. But when you think about what you have. What you remember from forever ago. How complex we are, how fast we change. It's so amazing. How 3 words can change your life, and not hearing them can make a bigger difference. How you can go from 1 to 14. How your body can change. How pictures can make your day. How when you think about who you have lost. Friends, Family, Life. I hate to waist a day, to waist time. Because it's not going to last forever. How a name can change you. How one minute you can think so highly of someone, and then you hear what they think of you. Then it can change in a second. I don't listen to what they have to say about me, I can be to skinny or too pretty. No matter how many times I change myself they will find SOMETHING to break you. I don't have enough time to keep changing myself for you. It's my life and your approval isnt needed, not matter how much you think it is. Life is so amazing. The world is amazing, our selfishness is killing it. We are so selfish we would save our own life, even if it means killing a dear friend. That friend is the Earth. We are killing it, its plants, its animals. And all we do is turn the other cheek. it's almost unbelievable how selfish and self centered we are. We eat feasts and OD on medication and we hate getting shots for diseases and chicken pox. We complain that we have to go to school everyday. When there are people around the world who have NOTHING to eat and they are dieing from chicken pox and they would only dream of going to school.

What has the world become?

Friday, April 06, 2007

7:27 PM

Somtimes I ask this question when I wake up, or find that somthing so amazing, or heartbreaking just happened. Some people can sense when change is going to happen. I am yet to obtain that sense, Change just seems to come up and punch me in the face. When I had my first boyfriend, for example, everything was going great. Actualy, I thought we had the best date ever, Me, him, and a whole bunch of our friends went out for pizza, and hung out in his front yard. That night when he got on yahoo he dumped me. Not even very sensere, just flat out dumpled me. The conversation went alittle somthing like this.

Me: Hey, I had a great time tonight, we should do it again. =)
Him: Yeah, I had alot of fun too. Theres somthing I need 2 tell u.
Me: What??
Him: I don't like you, I never really did, your friends well they bugged me untill i asked you out. But you...your a really nice friend.
Me: But, I thought we had such a fun time tonight. Can we still be friends?
Him: Yeah, About that, Im going to be at a new school, and you know....
Me: Yeah, i got it.
Him: Thanks babe loveyabye.
He has logged out

Me: Yeah, sure.

We had a rather confusing relationship. See he wasnt allowed to date. But he said he liked me and wanted to go out with me, but we had to pretend like we wernt going out. It was really easy for him, but I wanted to hold hands and watch movies. A week later, he was going out with a new girl.

That really sucks doesnt it?

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Friday, February 10, 2006

9:07 AM

i swear my bladder is going to EXPLODE! yesterday was a block day at school, meaning that i have 2 main classes that lasted 2 periods. yesterdays was Math and Social Studdies. after SS i walked over to my class room. Stood in line walked in and sat down "Pop Quiz!" i grabed a pen as started my test 45 questions later i raised my hand. "Can I PLEASE go to the bathroom i REALLY have to go!" he replyed "HOLD it Kara we are going to have a break in 5 minuets. Okay?" "Sure" Grrr 5 minutes go by. Still NO break. we get into a NEW lesson wile i am TRYING to hold it. after the lesson i walk over and i ask "Can i go to the bathroom now? PLEASE?? I REAALLLLYYYYY NEED TO GO!!!!!!" after he looks at the clock looks at me and says. "You have 5 minutes you can hold it its okay now sit" OH GOD!!!I WAS ABOUT TO DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i got out of class Ran to the bathroom and was in HEAVEN!
if this EVER happens to you....Good Luck.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

9:56 AM

My life is like a open show people watch it like its some form of entertainment. I should be concerned about all of this, but I don't have time to be. I am to busy being the producer, the entertainer, the director, and the actors. I just want the ratings to go up. Somtimes I just want people to watch my show and feel better about themselves and help with their problems, but I know I can't do it because my shows ratings and horrable. and since my ratings are horrable, they lowered my budget. My show can't help anyone, it just makes people laugh, they say that laughter is the worlds medicine. The only think they are laughing at is the show, and since I am everything, they are laughing at me. I am the joke. Welcome back to the Karalynn show

Saturday, May 14, 2005

7:20 PM

1: We go to a movie, and right after something happens you say "did you see that?!?!?!?" NO I SPENT 9 BUCKS TO SIT AND LOOK UP AT THE WALL ,YOU IDIOT!!!!!!!
2: A cop pulls us over and asks the STUPEDEST question " Miss, do you know how fast you where going?"you know that you just waisted 4 mins, of my life so you could ask me a stuped question, and yes i did know how fast i was driveing , but your the one who pulled me over!!!
3 you say to ME ohh well you just want to have your cake and eat it to, YOU FREAK OF CORSE I WANT MY CAKE,AND YES I WANNA EAT IT, WHAT SHOULD I DO EAT SOMEONE ELSES CAKE?
4 "I love you from the bottom of my heart! oh well thanks so all i am to you is blood and fat, because you know thats all thats at to bottom of your heart. Thanks, or should i say thank you fatty.
5People who point at their wrist while asking for the time. I know where my watch is buddy, where the heck is yours? Do I point at my crotch when I ask where the bathroom is?
6 People who are willing to get off their butt to search the entire room for the TV remote because they refuse to walk to the TV and change the channel manually.
7 When people say "It's always in the last place you look". Of course it is. Why the heck would you keep looking after you've found it? Do people do this? Who and where are they?
8 When something is "new and improved", which is it? If it's new, then there has never been anything before it. If it's an improvement, then there must have been something before it
9 When people say "Life is short." What the hecl?? Life is the longest thing anyone ever does!! What? Are they going to do something that's longer?
10 When you are waiting for the bus and someone ask you "Did the bus come yet?" If the bus came I would not be standing here
11 People who ask "Can I ask you a question?" Didn't really give me a choice there, did ya buddy?

Sunday, April 17, 2005

10:15 AM

everyone i have something to show you, its to help find the cure to all the things. www.one.org
Thank you

Monday, February 07, 2005

10:09 AM

Its been awile (as always) lol but you know school and such, but i love chuck (the dog) he is soo cute! Anyway i bet you all know my mom (Kristine) she has a blog about me you should read it its funny its about me when i was little. g2g bye!


14 year old female My family is my world I LOVE Life I'm addicted to Veronica Mars I love to act I have a weird fascination with funny movies I am forced to share my clothes I'm a clothes freak...have too much, but still not enough I love sunny days I'm a aries I chew ice I don't like chocolate I LOVE IT I have brown eyes I have 2 dogs, Mooshu & Halo I want to go to Europe&&NY more than anything I'm obsessed with Veronica Mars I love flowers I hate stupid people I would die without Pepsi

contact >> ♥ me ♥


  • Fall Out Boy > All of it
  • Kooks > she moves in her own way
  • The Danny Warhols > We Used To Be Friends






    October 2004 l November 2004 l December 2004 l February 2005 l April 2005 l May 2005 l February 2006 l April 2007 l July 2007 l


    "I Love her because she moves in her own way" -The Kooks


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