Wednesday, October 27, 2004
2:44 PM
Hey Guys,
I know its only Tuesday but today was super special cuz we had a pizza party
cuz our class was being "good" (yaa right *rolls eyes*) and that was a
pathetic party cuz all we had was pizza and that's it!! That was the worst party
no dancing and no talking IM mad Grrrrrrrrrrr lol I have to go cuz I have to take out the trash :(.
Sunday, October 24, 2004
9:16 AM
Hey its Sunday and I feel like dancing and I want to sing and call everyone and invite them
and I feel so alive and one of these days that they all come together and im glad that I finally
made up my mind and I want to just
have Fun!!!!I want to do something crazy like
dancing in the rain or like go to a dance or just like I go roller skating or ice skating or paint ball
or like tepee someone's house!!!!!!!! (not the last one that's just a dream) Ok well I got to go
parachuting gots to go laters -kara
Friday, October 22, 2004
2:52 PM
hey everyone,
its Friday and its one of those days where you really tired and your dad is on the other ear and your typing and your talking and lissening and your moving and being kicked and your sleeping and blinking and your breathing. well g2g
2:52 PM
hey everyone,
its Friday and its one of those days where you really tired and your dad is on the other ear and your typing and your talking and lissening and your moving and being kicked and your sleeping and blinking and your breathing. well g2g
2:52 PM
hey everyone,
its Friday and its one of those days where you really tired and your dad is on the other ear and your typing and your talking and lissening and your moving and being kicked and your sleeping and blinking and your breathing. well g2g
Thursday, October 21, 2004
3:11 PM
Hey all,
Its Thursday and I LOVE Thursday but not as much as I like Fridays, 4 lunch i had BQ Pockets!!! Well i have to go to longes later and I have to buy my friend Chelsea
a hershey bar and im NOT giveing Avery one!!! ok well bye i loves yall -kara
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
5:59 PM
Hey yall,
Im trying to do something new so if you see the font change dont be scared ok. Well ok today was better than I thought because it wasnt raining YAAAA:) and I didnt
didnt have to walk home i got a ride from my friend!!!!!!! Well I have to go and do socal studies for another 2 hours :( but my mom said "Kara, ill take you out on a day with me if
you get an A on you next test. Ok? Alright now lets study!" Like she was happy or something to study like you know when you have to get excited about the boringest things like weddings, or family reunions, and the worst thing an old ladys birthday party like all they get is like underwear or wool socks or pantyhoes or like a little wodden puppy that you throw away 6 days later. Ok well I guess its probally really weard reading this
like when your reading something embarrsing then you mom walks in and you stand up
really fast to cover the screen then they ask you the stupedist question "hey honey, what are you doing?" then you say back "umm nothing.Just playing a game." then they say
"Oh what one?" then you say "MOM get out" then they leave and you sigh with releafe and start reading again. be back later (later as in tomarrow)
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
8:53 PM
Well its Tuesday and it was a bad day :( when I went to school its was RAINING (one thing you will learn about me I HATE RAIN) and I had to
go to my babysitters and I didn't want to wake up a 6:00 Am and so
I fell back asleep and Tyler (step brother) Sat on me and hurt my side
I cried :*( then I got so mad and then I felt like I wanted to just fall asleep again but then I remembered the horror of tylers butt on my side then I was scared. Then I finally I got dressed and then I got a cinnamon role (MM....) and walked out of the door and I felt like I was a twig on the cold ground you know flying over there and over there or like I was part a HUGE group of people doing the wave like one second the
guy at the other end was doing it then the next thing you know it the kid
next to me is doing it!! But IM fine now even though I had to study Social Studies for 2 hours for a test NEXT WEEK! But ill talk later bye!
� 14 year old female
� My family is my
� I LOVE Life
� I'm addicted to Veronica Mars
� I love to act
� I have a weird fascination with
funny movies
� I am forced to share my clothes
� I'm a clothes freak...have too much, but still not enough
� I love sunny days
� I'm a aries
� I chew ice
� I don't like chocolate I LOVE IT
� I have brown eyes
� I have 2 dogs, Mooshu & Halo
� I want to go to Europe&&NY more than anything
� I'm obsessed with Veronica Mars
� I love flowers
� I hate
stupid people
� I would die without Pepsi
contact >> ♥ me ♥
Fall Out Boy > All of it
Kooks > she moves in her own way
The Danny Warhols > We Used To Be Friends
October 2004 l
November 2004 l
December 2004 l
February 2005 l
April 2005 l
May 2005 l
February 2006 l
April 2007 l
July 2007 l
"I Love her because she moves in her own way" -The Kooks
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[design]: Urban.Faery